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House Flies – Those Annoying Pests!

House Flies carry bacteria and other germs- Make NO mistakes about it! Scientists estimate that a single fly will be home to over 2 million bacteria and will compromise any surface that it contacts. We swat them and wipe up the mess as best we can and use fly sprays with abandon; yet still those houseflies persist. Seldom do they infest a home, but will breed and swarm in trash and other areas of suitable filth. If you’re still reading after learning about the bacteria they carry, here is some other info regarding house flies

Flies Multiply!

A female will lay between 200 & 3000 in its lifetime, usually around 150 at a time. She can lay several batches in just three days and the eggs will hatch into maggots within 24 hours. Average lifetime is 21 days.

Houseflies move fast

Their two wings beating at 200 times per second will propel the insect 300 times the length of its body in a second. A fighter jet at the speed of sound only travels 100 times the length of its fuselage in a second. Usually, houseflies travel at a rate around five miles per hour.

Flies Throw-up as They Eat

This has the effect of softening up their meal as they go. They also defecate approximately every five minutes, expelling pathogens that could cause maladies such as diarrhea, dysentery and cholera.

House Flies are NOT Smart!

Unlike other insects they will not be taught anything. They like a crowd and if they see other flies they will join in on the party. Fly paper works well for this very reason.

Flies Walk Just as Well Upside Down

Their feet, which are incredibly sensitive to sugar, also ooze out a glue-like substance, which allows for their acrobatic abilities. To land on a ceiling they grab on with their front legs and somersault onto the surface.

Houseflies Smell with Their Antennae

But their eyesight is poor. Despite having 4000 lenses in their eyes, houseflies do not generally see specific things, but rather general movements in front of them. Scientists list the housefly’s favorite color as red.

Once again, Integrated Pest Managementtechniques work best for these pests. Four key preventive measures can go a long way to prevent a housefly invasion: Protect all foodstuffs with suitable coverings and immediately clean up leftovers; Keep compost areas sealed off and get rid of standing water; Be aware of your pet’s food and cover it when your pet is not actively feeding; Keep all trash, refuse and compost containers covered at all times, limiting the flies’ ability to breed in these prime locations. The removal of places to breed keeps the population to only adult flies and serves to force them away to more savory areas .Don’t hesitate to contact The Aardvark if you are unfortunate enough to experience any problems with houseflies.

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